Puget Sound Rally Club put on the September Friday Nighter, employing Mr. Mike Workman as the rallymaster. Mike found some fun roads and had some nice traps.
A terrific night for a rally was punctuated by a light, but enthusiastic turnout. The rally left the Eastgate Park & Ride and wandered out to Issaquah for the end of the odometer check. From there, it was down part of Issaquah Fall City Road, a brief loop by the Snoqualmie River Road, then down 202 to Ames Lake and over to the Carnation Farm area for the first checkpoint. From there, we zigzagged up the Valley to checkpoint 2 in the Tualco area. The last leg ran up the High Bridge Road to Snohomish and the finish. We had three BMW club cars, but changed them to novice when no other novice competitors attended. They all got trophies, which is how we like it! Three points separated first and second Novice; first and 2nd SOP were 10 points apart; 1st and 2nd Masters were one point apart and while the Unlimited cars had a pretty big gap owing to a 20 point penalty trap, first unlimited scored a total of one! Congratulations to the winners!
Thanks also to the workers. Rainier Auto Sports Club manned a checkpoint with Mark Nolte, Charles Aggenbach and Jim Breazeale. From PSRC, Scott Margerum, Kevin Mullins, Jeff DeLong, Kelly Smith, Dave Treen, Vasco DePinna, worked in various capacities along with guests Ryan McLean and Aaron and Annette Nelson, John and Derris Humphrey and ORCA’s Gary Coon. It takes a village, and our village is getting a little on the small side. With workers, these events cannot happen.
The last event of the season is the October Friday Nighter, on the 13th. Rainier Auto Sports is putting that one together. Their events are usually drivers events, featuring good roads and minimal traps. Come on out and join us.