Sent the following to NWRC club reps for distribution to their memberships, but also posting here to for all to see.
Read the post “Another Richta Tip” which has details about a sample event that allows you to test some of the Competitor app functionality. When done testing, unregister from the sample event!
Competitors will only need the Competitor app. The Scoreboard app will not be useful to you.
Checkpoints and scoring are defined in the May Supplemental Generals. The May Friday Nighter will use Evansville style scoring (see section 9.1.2). Upon passing a checkpoint, regardless of score there, you’ve begun the next leg on time.
After passing a checkpoint, you may access details about it by tapping on the checkpoint in the list. The checkpoint slip will include official mileage at the checkpoint (measured from the RESTART). Although competitors are not required to do so, it will likely be helpful to zero the odometer at each RESTART.
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