June 14th, 2019
Here we go again. This Friday, June 14th, the Northwest Rally Council presents “Back to the Future, part 42”, the June Friday Nighter Rally.
The Rallymaster is yours truly, Kelly Smith. The course meanders around the greater Fall City Area before ending in Issaquah at Tutta Bella’s Neapolitan Pizzeria. https://tuttabella.com/pizza-issaquah/ The checkout was most entertaining and I am looking forward to running through the course again. There are a few light traps, but nothing that will hurt you too bad.
Registration for this novice oriented event opens at 6:45 PM at the Eastgate Park & Ride Parking lot in Bellevue (14200 SE Eastgate Way). The drivers meeting is at 7:10 and first car out will be 7:31. The entry fee is $20. Don’t forget that we’re running the “bring a new team and your entry is free” special. Come on out and join us for a good time, and bring your friends!