Friday, April 12, 2019
Here we go, kicking off another rally season! The first rally of the season is presented by ORCA. Here is what they say about their rally:
ORCA is putting on the first Friday Night Rally of the season, April 12th. The Rally Master team is Kathy and Dave Sacry. They have been rallying since 2006 and have written rallies since 2009. This rally, “Circle in a Circle II”, is based off of the original rally with more traps. The checkout is complete and 3 crews said the “rally was fun!”
Yes there are traps for the experienced rallists to add to the fun, be sure to brush up on your generals. If you are a Novice, there are separate instructions that avoids those traps, should help keep you on course, and should make it fun for you too.
It sounds like fun for everyone! Registration for this novice oriented event opens at 6:45 PM at the Eastgate Park & Ride Parking lot in Bellevue (14200 SE Eastgate Way). The drivers meeting is at 7:10 and first car out will be 7:31. The entry fee is $20. Don’t forget that we’re running the “bring a new team and your entry is free” special. The rally finishes at Brava Pizza and Pasta, 120 Glen Ave in Snohomish. Come on out and join us for a good time, and bring your friends!