Wow, what a nice night for a rally, and what a great turnout! Thank you all for coming!
Congratulations to Andrew Bacon and Brick Battersby for getting 2nd overall in the SOP category while winning the Novice class. Only Masters John and Derris Humphrey bettered their score. Congratulations to Steve and Linda Dull for getting a ZERO on their first rally! And congratulations to Jordan Keffer who, after winning the Novice Championship last year, scores his first win in the SOP class.
Thank you to all the workers who made this event possible. Mark Note and Richard and Delores Ranhofer worked checkpoint one. Kevin Mullins, Steve Pfau and Vasco DePinna worked checkpoint two. Mike Workman and Scott Margerum worked checkpoint three. Competitors John and Derris Humphrey also served as the start control. And Dave Treen made the trophies and dash plaques, worked pace and helped measure the rally.
Come on back next month for some more fun as ORCA puts on a trapless event. Don’t for get the bring a new team get free entry deal!