Find out on Friday the 13th, when NWRC presents “13th Sign” as September’s Friday Nighter.
Rallymaster John Humphrey has crafted a fun and interesting rally that will keep you on your toes.
Invite a co-worker. Invite them all. Bring your neighbors. Tell a friend.
The rally uses the Richta GPS Checkpoints system, so be sure to have the Richta Competitor app loaded on your smart phone ahead of time. To familiarize yourself with the app, please read the Quick Guide.
Entry fee is $30 per car, cash only. Registration opens at 6:45pm, in the NE corner of the Eastgate Park&Ride at 14300 SE Eastgate Way in Bellevue. Car Zero starts at 7:30pm.
This rally ends at Farrelli’s Pizza in Four Corners (Maple Valley).