This coming Friday, May 8th, PSRC presents the May Friday Nighter, “A Bike Lane This Way Goeth”. The rallymaster is yours truly, Kelly Smith. The name owes itself mainly to the fact that during the measurement this weekend, parts of the roads on the course were being used for bicycle and running events, and one of our regular rally roads has had the addition of a bike lane. You can run the rally Friday night and bike the route on Sunday, if you like. Following the lead of this year’s other rallymasters, this event will feature no course following traps. It will be a nice drive through the country on a spring evening. Last month had frogs, at this point it seems doubtful that we will see them this month. We encountered deer on the checkout.
Registration for this novice oriented event opens at 6:45 PM at the Eastgate Park & Ride Parking lot in Bellevue (14200 SE Eastgate Way). The drivers meeting is at 7:10 and first car out will be 7:31. The entry fee is $20. Don’t forget that we’re running the “bring a new team and your entry is free” special. The rally finishes at Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria, 715 NW Gilman Blvd in Issaquah. Come on out and join us for a good time, and bring your friends!