We’re back again for more fun going places. 3L&AR is loaded with fun roads, bright yellow signs, and an occasional, mild, instructional exercise. This is a clean event suitable for beginners and masters alike.
Checkpoint procedure will be a bit different than last month. There is another post on this site which describes it in detail, along with an example checkpoint slip. Upon reaching a checkpoint, pull to the side of the road as soon as it is safe to do. Open the checkpoint slip and follow the information in it to continue the rally. The start of the next leg will be nearby. The slip tells you how to get there and how much time you have.
There are Supplemental Generals for June. Read up! Make sure you understand the new defined terms PREMARKER, SPEED LIMIT, and SNOCONE.
From the regular NWRC Generals, the usual suspects include BEAR, ITIS, MBCU, OR, and the quintuplets of the Through Route Determinant family.
Entry fee for 2023 NWRC Friday Nighters is $30.
Registration will be open from 6:45pm-7:15pm.
Start location details if you haven’t done this before.
See you Friday!
Where does this event end?
Farrelli’s Wood Fired Pizza in Maple Valley.