Read up on Supplemental Generals for July. These are somewhat different from the Supps used in May or June. Make sure you have the NWRC Generals at hand. Carefully review Section 3, Through Route Determinates, Section 6, Signs and Other References, and Section 8, Definitions. And good news for Barry, ITIS will not be used in the July event.
Teams should have the Richta Competitor app (v1.26) loaded on their electronic device. For newcomers, there will be people on hand near the registration car to help you. Here is the Quick Guide for the app.
July will have a Leg Format similar to that used in the June Friday Nighter. Checkpoints will not be identified in the Numbered Route Instructions. Upon passing a checkpoint, pull over safely as soon as possible and open the checkpoint slip by tapping on the checkpoint on your device’s screen. The slip describes where the next leg begins by identifying the OUTCONE (at a reference) and what your Out Time will be (by adding the specified time to the checkpoint In Time). This Out Time will probably not be at the top of the minute and will not be displayed on your device. The slip will include what speed to leave the OUTCONE, and what the Next NRI is. Reset your odometer to zero at the OUTCONE and proceed on the next leg at your Out Time. You start the leg with 0 error, and your Time Allowance will have been reset to 0 when you passed the checkpoint.
The Start Time listed at the next checkpoint will be the same as the In Time at the previous checkpoint. The time you added to get the Out Time at the previous checkpoint will be reflected in the Ideal Leg Time.
The following is an example checkpoint slip:
Your new Out Time to begin the next leg is the In Time plus 4:00 or 13:48:31.
Entry fee for 2023 NWRC Friday Nighters is $30, cash only. Start location is the Eastgate Park & Ride in Bellevue. Registration will be open from 6:45pm to 7:15pm.
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